Contents: More Books of Hadith addition by translating from Arabic to English/Urdu
Brother, some extremely important Hadith collections are still not translated into English and Urdu languages.
As a project to benefit the ummah immensely and to preserve the entire Sunnah, can you please take on this project?
Can you please translate the following Hadith books and make them available in digital format for everyone on the internet?
This project will ensure we have all the available Hadith of our time apart from the sahih sitta.
Fath ul Bari
Jami ul Kamil
Silsilah Sahihah Al Albani
Silsilah Daifah Al Albani
Musnad Ishaq
Al Lu Loo Wal Marjaan
Sahih Al-Targheeb Al Albani
Shuab Al Imaan
Sunan Al-Kubra Bayhaqi
Jami AL Ulum Wal Hikam Ibn Rajab
Sahih Al Jami As-Saghir (Imam Suyuti)
Musnad Fatima Zahra
Letters of the Holy Prophet PBUH
Kitab-ul-Aathaar - al Shaybani
Kitab-ul-Aathaar - Abu Yusuf
Musnad Abu Hanifa
Musannaf Abd al Razzaq
Sunan ad-Darimi
Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah
Sahih Ibn Hibban
Al-Mustadrak alaa al-Sahihain of Imam Hakim (Talkhis al-Mustadrak)
Al-Mu'jam al-Kabir of Al-Tabarani
Al-Mu'jam al-Awsat of Al-Tabarani
Al-Mu'jam as-Saghir of Al-Tabarani
Musnad al Tayalisi
Musnad Abu Awaanah
Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah
Musannaf of Abd al-Razzaq
Sunan al-Bayhaqi of al-Bayhaqi
Shu'ab al-Iman of al-Bayhaqi
Musannaf ibn Jurayj
Sunan al-Kubra lil Nasa'i
Sahifah Hammam ibn Munabbih
Tahdhib al-Athar
Musnad Imam ul A’zam
Musnad al-Shafi'i
Musnad al-Siraj
Musnad al-Firdous
Musnad Abu Ya'la
Sunan Sa'id ibn Mansur
Khasais of Amir Al Momenin
Sunan Dar Al-Qutni
Musnad Humaidi Imam Al-Humaydi
Musnad Ishaq Ibn Rahwayh
Musnad al-Bazzar
Sunan al-Wusta
As far as authentication is concerned, you can add the authentication for the available Hadith of imam Albani, imam dhahabi has checked mustaradak Al Hakim and so has hafiz ibn hajar.
So you can add their authentications for these books; apart from them, other muhaddith have checked other Hadith books as well you can add their cross-checkings as well.
Likewise, there are many scholars who have authenticated hadith books apart from the six known books.
You can easily add their works the more checking you add of different scholars for a Hadith, the sounder a Hadith will be. So please take up this project with the massive resources of the foundation at your disposal.
If anyone can, your foundation is in the perfect position to take up this project and benefit the ummah.
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Yemin Sajid
We're reopening this. But we're regarding this as a new project request and not directly a part of the hadith app.
Yemin Sajid thank you appreciate that. May Allah make this project easy for you and a source of benefit to laymen, students of knowledge and scholars of the entire ummah. And may the prophet be happy with you for preserving and showcasing his entire Sunnah.
Yemin Sajid
We're closing this for now, if you want to add any specific hadith book that are available, please share with us. Jazakumullahu Khyaran
Yemin Sajid this is a tragedy of the highest proportions. You should atleast not have closed this thread. We Muslims are working world wide to make these books available and translated for all the ummah. Atleast keep the thread open so that in future people can give you the required materials. Or you yourself can source the required books from bookstores like sifatusafwa. Instead you have given up on the ummah entirely by closing the thread. Please reopen this thread don't force us to make another one again. And have faith in Allah that despite being a massive project it is with Allahs help that all tasks are achieved.
Yemin Sajid
Jazakumullahu Khyaran for your generous comments and suggestions.
There is no doubt translating digitizing more Hadith book is a massive work of Sadaqah Jariyah. And this will provide great benefit for the Ummah.
However this is a massive work itself and not our focus right now. We focus on making the apps more user friendly that helps people get the best out of the narrations. At the same time adding more contents that are already made available by others.
So if the books are translated and and are available to be added in the app, we'll definitely consider inshaAllah.
May Allah accept all our efforts.
Araf Mohammad Mahbub
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All available Hadith Books in Arabic beyond Sahih Sitta
Dear developers please add all the Hadith books we have present right now such as Al Hakim and tabarani, ibn shaibah, Silsilah sahiha, Jami Al kamil to name but a very few in the Arabic Language. Also add their authentications. After doing that attach Google translation in the app. Which can translate the arabic into different languages. In this way we can have all the Hadith of the prophet. And you don't need to worry about copy right either since the Arabic books have no copyrights to them.
Araf Mohammad Mahbub
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Add full musnad Ahmed
add musnad Ahmed nearly 30 thousand hadiths as there are only 4 thousand.
Araf Mohammad Mahbub
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Please add hadith collection of two more books
Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barkatu, i would request you to add these two more collection of hadith books in hadith app
1.Shu'ab al-Iman of al-Bayhaqi
2.Al-Mustadrak alaa al-Sahihain of Imam Hakim
Assalamu alaikum brother, this would take a lot of work, inshaAllah it will be all done one day
But you should start arabic lessons, learn the madinah books on youtube and the bayna yadayk books on youtube
Search al madrasatu al umariyyah on youtube also for authentic islamic knowledge IN english.
May Allah guide us
amir5 brother it's not just about me 80% of Muslims are non Arabic speaking and will probably never learn it. Imagine catering to such a large number with translations what a huge sadqa jariya !
Please vote for this so we can get the developers to implement it.