Please add last two ayahs of Surah al Bakarah and full Surah as Sajdah beside Surah al Mulk (night time reading) by using the time date/time on our device to improve quick link suggestion priority of surahs.
For example, every night, after sunset, Surah al Mulk, the last two ayahs of Surah al Bakarah and Surah as Sajdah should appear first. During Fajr time, Surah Yaseen can appear first and starting from Thursday's sunset to Friday's sunset, Surah al Kahf should be recommended first, otherwise it should appear further down on the list on any day other than Friday.
Allowing us to customize quick links would be neat too.
Other than that, I love the app! Keep up the great work and please let us know how we can donate to support you guys. JazakAllah khair.