(windows) Buggy Audio Download manager, slowing down PC
When scrolling or clicking any options/button it lags behind a lot.
The laggy behavior is very noticeable in download manager option. The download all option doesn't work and when you download a lot of them manually it will slow down or create lag spikes. When scrolling down in download manager the screen flashes as if it returned to the start/top of the options in the settings inside the download manager of an qari. The screen just pulls back to the top after a while when trying to scroll down
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Jubair (User Support)
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah,
Thank you for the valuable feedback. We’re currently in the process of completely renovating our Windows app. We plan to have it ready soon insha'Allah.
Our main focus is to make the Windows app intuitive and easier to navigate similar to the Android version. The upcoming update will have several features as well as bug fixes to improve overall user experience.
Jazakallah khair for your patience.
Tasnim (Customer Support Representative)
As-salāmu ʿalaykum wa rohmatullah,
JazakAllahu Khairan for reaching out to us! We are sorry to hear about the issue you are facing. We have noted it down and our team will look into it in shaa Allah.
The issue has been verified using -
Edition: Windows 10 Home
Version: 22H2
Os Build: 19045.4170
Tasnim (Customer Support Representative)
Please also note, it uses cpu like very high during opening download manager. Additionally download all button does not seem to function on pc.
I have attached 2 screenshots, one when download manager is open and other when closed. To show CPU utilization.